Ever since we got married, Ian and I have had an understanding: working out together is not an option. The primary reason is my competition issues. When we run together, play video games together, or play any game at that matter, I really want to win! This desire sometimes causes tension between us so we just don't. Over the years, I have definitely seen results in the lack of doing anything. For health reasons I have been wanting, no, needing to do SOMETHING.
Well this week we found that something. Wii Fit! The Wii Fit balance board comes with an exercise games such as Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobic, and Balance. The board monitors your weight, BMI, and every movement you make during the exercises. If you complete the exercise correctly, you get more points. The more points you get, more games unlock and you play longer.
Our current morning workout routine: Ian wakes up early and works out. I wake up when he leaves for work and beat his scores. This is what I think is the true meaning of "healthy competition!"
my sister told me today that she's thinking of this as a present for the parents - I think I want one!
Seriously!! So worth it!
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